Friday, May 8, 2015

The Power of One Thought

There is immense power in just one individual thought. Many religious and philosophical leaders from all over the world have stated this quote or some variant of it.

This statement is true. However, I think we underestimate the power of this quote.

Let's reverse engineer this quote with examples of successful people. The two that immediately come to mind are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Two men that have influenced and changed the way we live in this world.

Their destiny and legacy can be traced back down to one simple thought. If either of them decided not to plant those thoughts about technology and computers, where would we be today? I'm sure that we would be living in a completely different world in which we live now.

Let's take another example from the opposite side of the spectrum. Adolf Hitler. We can look at the legacy or destiny from Hitler's life and it too can be traced back to one simple thought. The entire world was forever changed because of Hitler. For him, it all started with some simple thoughts.

The thoughts that we choose to entertain in our minds can and will lead us to our destinies. One of our greatest powers is our mind and the ability to choose our thoughts. Which ones will you plant to reap your destiny?

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