Thursday, May 7, 2015

Commit to 1000

I have been learning through some of my mentors about commitment. I have learned one key formula to gauge your level of commitment in life.

Ask yourself these two questions,

"On a scale of 1-10, how willing am I to learn today?"


"On a scale of 1-10, how willing am I to change today?"

Take these two numbers and multiply them. This is the first part of the formula.

The second part is to ask yourself this question,

"On a scale of 1-10, what is my level of energy and enthusiasm?"

Take this number and multiply it to the first number and what did you get?

You may have received a score of 192 as I did. Six for my willingness to learn, with eight for my willingness to change, and four for my energy and enthusiasm. That's a really low score! There is some serious need for growth!

There is no legend or chart to show that 1-100 are the turtles of the world and 900-1000 are the hares. It doesn't work like that, because anything less than 1000 should be reconsidered. Progression depends on the willingness to learn and the willingness to change coupled with the highest level of energy and enthusiasm.

Life is more easy and fun when there is excitement and energy! The more excitement and energy, the deeper our progression and development. Choose to live at 1000 everyday and see greater success and growth.

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